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Matterhorn - original painting 30 x 40cm in acrylic on canvas


Original painting of the Matterhorn mountain peak in acrylics on canvas.

An ever changing painting just as in nature itself:
A special ultra matte black acrylic that reflects no light acts as a background. Texture is applied by pallet knife and then highlighted with clear gloss to create a unique effect of painting the scene with only ambient light. There is no colour, only black, yet as you move around the painting it picks up light from windows and room lights to both detail and colour the painting. The textures pick up sharper highlights while casting darker shadows for more defined details.

Pictured here it's picking up just window light with some green from nearby plants. Different angles and different times of day cast varying colours and reveal different details of the mountain, just as in real life.

This is a unique painting that offers a unique experience throughout the day and year. If you wish to see it in person please get in touch [email protected].